Procedures for the implementation of
PBN requirements in Germany
to No 2.3 of the
NFL 2-376-17
a record of the successful demonstration of competency in PBN
has to be entered in the pilot’s logbook or an equivalent
document by the examiner, if the pilot has completed training
(in theory and
practice) and has
passed either a skill test or a proficiency check. Pilots who
have received adequate theoretical and practical PBN training in
the past will be deemed to have fulfilled the PBN theoretical
and practical training requirements.
Auszug aus der NfL:
Nach dem 25. August 2020 müssen PBN-Rechte Bestandteil jeder
Instrumentenflugberechtigung sein.
Instrumentenflugberechtigungen ohne PBN-Rechte sind
ab diesem Datum nicht mehr gültig.
This CBT Course Content is based on the Swiss FOCA "IR
PBN Oral Examination Guide"
